Community Partners

Green Van Lines takes initiative to support Community Partners of Dallas. This is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring safety and restoring dignity and hope, to abused and neglected children.

Community Partners of Dallas provides resources and support to the caseworkers of the Dallas County Child Protective Services.

Community Partners of Dallas served more than 16,000 children last year through six unique programs:

    • Rainbow Room, an emergency resource center that provides critically-needed items for children in the care of CPS.
    • Kids in Crisis, which provides funds for children’s clothing, transportation, therapy, enrichment activities, housing, and medical expenses.
    • Adopt-A-Caseworker, which connects individuals and businesses with CPS caseworkers to help them meet the needs of clients.
    • The Heart Program, an internationally-recognized program that provides therapeutic group treatment to victims of sexual abuse and their non-offending family members.
    • Caseworker Appreciation, which are events that are held to show appreciation and gratitude to caseworkers.
      Community Partners


  • StoryLine, (214) 446-2222, a phone line that children can call 24 hours a day to hear a story

Because of its broad-based community support, Community Partners of Dallas was named the Outstanding Volunteer Organization of the Year by the Volunteer Center in Dallas. In addition, Governors Bush and Richards appointed two of our founding members to the Board of Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services.

Community Partners of Dallas’ programs have been replicated across the state, and Rainbow Rooms and Adopt-A-Caseworker programs currently exist in more than 135 cities in Texas. For more details on the children we serve, please download our 2012 Fact Sheet.

For more information on how you can help us serve the abused and neglected children in Dallas County, please contact us directly at (214) 624-7557, or follow Community Partners of Dallas on Facebook and Twitter!

For more information about child abuse and child abuse prevention, visit the following sites:

  • Texas Child Protective Services.
  • Dallas County Public Defender’s Office CPS FAQ’s.
  • “It’s Up to You” Child Abuse Prevention Campaign.
  • “The Little Voice,” Texas Young Lawyer’s Association.

To report a suspected case of child abuse, call the Texas Abuse Hotline at (800) 252-5400. The hotline is answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Reports can also be made at

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